Symbol of Abundance: Bald Ibis Birds

4 min readMay 11, 2021


In this article we will visit Bald Ibis Reproduction Center in Turkey with the aim of to observe Northern Bald Ibis birds who belongs to geronticus genus.

General Taxonomy

Bald Ibis birds lives only two districts in World which are in Birecik Şanlıurfa and in North Africa Morocco. Researches and studies that aims to bring Bald Ibis birds who are in critical phase to nature are keeps going on both districts.

Bald Ibis birds whose name is coming from Greek word that means old man (gerontos) have feathers on their heads/throats when they hatched for the first time. However, as they approach their adulthood — the average age of 5 — these feathers disappear and they take the name of Bald Ibis, which corresponds to its current name.

The Bald Ibis bird migrates from Africa to Birecik on around February 14, when almond blossoms have started to bloom. For this reason, Bald Ibis birds are known as the harbinger of spring and the symbol of abundance.

There are two living kinds of Bald Ibis birds where one of is named as Southern Bald Ibis and the other one is Northern Bald Ibis. There are genetically differences between those kind. However, the most appearing distinction lays on the idea of their lifestyle. While Northern Bald Ibis birds are preferring to migrate around specific times, on the other hand Southern Bald Ibis birds keep pace with sedentary lifestyle.

In this article, we will mention Northern Bald Ibis birds who belong to one of this gorgeous genus.

Bald Ibis Birds from Past to the Future

The lineage of the Bald Ibis bird is believed to have descended from a pair of Bald Ibis birds that are the prophet Noah left from ship after the great flood.

Traces of the Bald Ibis birds, which have a very old history, can be found on the stones in Şanlıurfa Göbekli Tepe. Likewise, the Bald Ibises, we come across those traces in Egyptian pyramids and various mosaic stones.

Bald Ibis symbol on Göbekli Tepe stones

Why are Bald Ibises birds, which once had a large population, are now in the endangered class?

The Bald Ibis birds started to die after the pesticide was used in our country with the Marshall agreement signed in 1948. Many of the survived Bald Ibis from this could not breed for years.

After the years passed, Birecik Bald Ibis Production Center, which had have an aim to improve the population of Bald Ibis Birds, was established exactly 44 years ago. The production center, which had only 9 young Bald Ibis and 2 adult Bald Ibis at first, is currently hosts for 268 Bald Ibis birds.

A photo captured in Bald Ibis Reproduction Center

Certain experiments and tests have been carried out to be able to release the Bald Ibis back to nature after reaching a certain number. In these experiments, some Bald Ibis birds were released to nature during migration and followed. Unfortunately, Migrated Bald Ibis birds, like many people, had been affected by Middle Eastern wars and hunting.

In order to protect their generation, Bald Ibises are placed in the bald ibis production center by the authorities after their breeding period is over and not allowed to migrate.

The Bald Ibis birds, releases back to nature around February, clean ticks, calf noses, locusts and insects naturally in the open fields in the Birecik region.

Captured by Coşkun Çolakfakıoğlu

During this period, breeding takes place and after the incubation period of about 28 days, the offspring open their eyes to life. By the end of June, these young Bald Ibis birds will learn to fly on their own and to feed in company with their families.

Bald Ibis, who come to the Production Center again after the breeding period is over, are fed with food obtained in a mixture of lean ground beef, unsalted white cheese, grated carrots and boiled eggs. In order to distinguish the Bald Ibis birds in the production station, there is a bracelet with their names and numbers on their feet.

The Bald Ibis birds live by monogamy, meaning they are monogamous and loyal to their wives. In case of death of any spouse, it is out of question for other bald ibis to commit suicide or become depressed. The Bald Ibis birds, whose continuous population is important, find a suitable mate for themselves in the following years and continue to reproduce.

You can also look at the video collage on the link for the information in this article and more.

I would like to express my gratitude to the dear bird watcher Mustafa Çulcuoğlu, who provided us their knowledge and experience, and Coşkun Çolakfakıoğlu, who contributed to the photographs. If you are interested in this article, I suggest you to take a look at my Bird Watching 101 content.

Mr. Mustafa Çulcuoğlu while observing Bald Ibis birds

