Bird Watching 101

3 min readMay 11, 2021


In this article, we will introduce bird watching with the knowledge and experience of Mustafa Çulcuoğlu, who has been interested in birds since childhood and carried out scientific studies in this field later.

Our observation area will be Şanlıurfa/ Birecik and we will mention about the bird species we encounter and the characteristics of these creatures.

First Step Toward Bird Watching

First of all, we make a field trip to the wetland called Surtepe where birds are concentrated. Mustafa Bey also mentions us that this region is also one of the feeding areas of bald ibis birds.

We are encountering with Spur Winged Lapwing on animal manure. They are feeding with insects and invertebrates, the Spur Winged Lapwing builds her nests in suitable places on the ground. The breeding period of the Spur Winged Lapwing, which usually performs a single incubation during a year, lasts 3 or 4 weeks.

Captured by Coşkun Çolakfakıoğlu

As we continue our journey, we see a Crested Lark bird. Crested Lark is trying to establish his home with the materials he has gathered from around.

Captured by Coşkun Çolakfakıoğlu

Then we head towards the Sand Martins nesting area. The Sand Martins move as colonies during migration and lay their eggs in the breaches they open during their breeding season.

Captured by Coşkun Çolakfakıoğlu

We see the Bald Ibis Birds in the field a little further ahead. The species of these noble creatures, which are the Northern Bald Ibis Bird currently were in their breeding period, are now endangered. You can review the article on my profile to get more detailed information about Bald Ibis.

Captured by Coşkun Çolakfakıoğlu

Finally, we meet the Cattle Egret. It feeds with insects and reptiles and usually follow cattle. Insects that are scared from the cattle usually becomes bait for Cattle Egret.

Captured by Coşkun Çolakfakıoğlu

Although we have encountered many more bird species during the observation, I end my article here because I could not get the necessary visual materials due to the shyness of the birds.

But we also get advice and suggestions from Mustafa Bey for an amateur bird watcher and enthusiasts. In the video on this link, I include both these recommendations and some observation memories.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the dear bird watcher Mustafa Çulcuoğlu, who provided us their knowledge and experience, and Coşkun Çolakfakıoğlu, who contributed to the photographs.

