Analyzing people behavior against the COVID-19 vaccine

5 min readApr 12, 2021


In this article, we will aim to understand one’s behavior against COVID-19 vaccine and to link these studies in a general cause.

If you want to participate in the survey, you can use the link below the article. The link will remain open for a month or less to accept responses.

General materials and research process

Our assumptions will be based on the survey that is prepared by me. During this time, we have an expectation to learn basic personal information, as well as the opinions of the subjects on the COVID-19 vaccine.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Processing of survey data

We had obtained 38 subjects to answer questions of the survey. If we talk on the terms of how trustworthy is this survey answers, we may say it is acceptable since all the subjects are voluntarily became the part of this analyze project.

First view on the results of the survey

The general conclusions I had come are listed as below:

Our subjects are mostly consists people who had not get the chance to be vaccinated

As we have looked into the survey’ result we may see that out of 38 people only 1 person has vaccinated. This person has not had explicitly strong side effect that may results bad on its daily life.

More than half of the subjects are female

Subjects’ that have taken a part on this survey are mostly women. The ratio of women subject is 73-to-27-man subject.

Mostly highly educated people are surveys’ subjects

Most of the subjects have high school graduates and above in their educational profile.

Various job groups have taken the survey

From housewives to academician, a lot of subject in various job group have participated a part in this survey.

Most subjects want to get vaccinated in the near future

Most of the subject has a positive opinion of vaccines and want to get vaccinated.

BioNTech is more preferred than Sinovac Vaccine

Among the people who want to get vaccinated are mostly preferred BioNTech vaccine.

The reason for not wanting to be vaccinated can be grouped

Subjects’ thoughts are mostly same to each other. That is why, we may group the thoughts and beliefs of subjects to create hypothesis.

Analyzing the results of the survey

Hypothesis 1: People who have higher educational background is more positive to getting vaccinated

While 25 percent of high school graduated subjects or those with a higher level of education are opposed to get vaccinated. On the other hand, 50 percent of subject who has less education level have negative thoughts of vaccine.

Hypothesis 2: People who are more than 25 are mostly the ones who will willingly get vaccine

While half of the subjects whose age are under the 25 are unwilling to getting vaccinated. On the other hand, this ration is as low as 18 percent whose age are between 25–40.

Hypothesis 3: There are two basic reason why most subject prefers BioNTech vaccine

We came two conclusions, first, since the origin of the epidemic originated in China, most people have insecurity towards to Sinovac vaccine.

Second reason is that since BioNTech vaccine has a big efficacy and quickness when it comes to creating antibody towards COVID-19, half of the subjects prefers to BioNTech vaccine.

Hypothesis 4: Main reason why subjects don’t want to get vaccinated lay on three reason

There are basically 3 type of subjects who don’t want to get vaccinated.

First group mostly rejecting to vaccine because they are unsure whether the vaccine will have a bad side effect. The thought of ‘strong side effect may cause even one’s death’, cast out the vaccine idea on the point of subjects.

Second group, subjects’ have a negative thought of vaccine from the beginning. These subjects believe vaccines do more harm than good to the human body. While rejecting even childhood vaccines that have been produced as a result of many years of research, they are strongly opposed to the vaccine of an unknown origin that emerged after a few months of work.

Finally, third group, those subjects mostly doesn’t want to get vaccinated for pregnancy. Getting COVID-19 vaccine while being pregnant may have a bad effect on the yet unborn child. For this reason, women mostly under the age of 25 plan to delay their vaccine date.


In conclusion, we see that subjects’ opinion towards vaccine may be considered as positive.

Those who think getting vaccinated is a bad idea, mostly rely the reason behind insecurity. Also, pregnancy has also big impact on not wanting the COVID-19 vaccine.

On the other hand, people are mostly preferring BioNTech since they thought it would be more successful than Sinovac vaccine.

What action should government take towards anti-vaccine supporters?

Advertisement has a big impact on people

Since, we live in the age of technology, people often spend their time on surfing through the Internet. Using this on our behalf, government may take an action to create more public spot advertisement to erase bad thought about the vaccine.

More academic research to clear the bad effect of COVID-19 vaccine

People are unsure whether the side effect will have a big impact on their own body or not, that is why they believe the vaccine is not strong enough. To change their mind, government should take an action and pay more attention on academic research and share the results to people. This way citizens will at least feel more knowledgeable on COVID-19 vaccine and won’t believe superstition that easily.

Let people know that COVID-19 vaccine has no bad effect on pregnant women

There are still unknowledge on COVID-19 vaccine side effects on pregnant women. That is why most women don’t want to get vaccinated at least the period of pregnancy. In this situation, government should release statistics of vaccinated pregnant women and the role of on their body and the baby. If women saw someone who is same situation with herself, they may also feel more positive towards vaccine.

Make a positive belief on every type of VACCINE

There is a group who thinks vaccine itself is not good to human body and they are strongly rejecting the idea of getting vaccinated. This behavior doesn’t special only towards COVID-19 vaccine, it consists of every type of vaccine even including childhood vaccines. This group is the hardest one to convince since they do only believe what is they thought. To change their idea, we have to move more deeply into their thoughts and environmental factors.

References and Attachments

The survey link — For English

The survey link — For Turkish

